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Seminar 'Ethische Fragen am Lebensende' (with JProf. Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Hagen)
Supplementary Course (Online) 'COVID-19-Pandemie' (with JProf. Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Hagen)
January 2020: 'Einführung in die Argumentationstheorie', PhD Colloquium 'Philosophy of Science' at the Faculty of Nursing (with Prof. Dr. Hermann Brandenburg) (PTH Vallendar)
October 2019: 'Ethische Fragen der Gendiagnostik', Professional Training in Medical Ethics (with JProf. Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Jan P. Beckmann and Dr. Sebastian Schuol) (University of Hagen)
WS 2018/19: Seminar 'Einführung in die Medizintheorie' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich)
SS 2018: Seminar 'Einführung in die Bioethik' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich)
July 2018: Session 'Genomeditierung: Biologie - Ethik - Recht' as part of the Projektkurs 'Bioethik' (Rhein-Sieg-Gymnasium Sankt Augustin)
WS 2017/18: Seminar 'Gerechtigkeit und Gesundheitssystem' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
October 2017: Session 'A (Very) Short Introduction to Ethics' as part of the Seminar 'Literature and Ethics' (University of Freiburg)
August 2017: Course 'Ethik der Genomeditierung' as part of the summer school 'Verantwortung - Was die Welt zusammenhält' for holders of theTalent-im-Land-scholarship (funded by the Robert-Bosch-Stiftung) (Salem Internationel College/Ueberlingen, Germany)
SS 2017: Seminar 'Ist Moral Enhancement möglich?' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich)
WS 2016/17: Seminar 'Ist Moral Enhancement möglich?' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich)
SS 2016: Seminar 'Kohärenztheorien in der praktischen Philosophie' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich)
WS 2015/16: Seminar 'Autonomie und Rationalität im Kontext der angewandten Ethik' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich)
WS 2014/15: Seminar 'Fragen der Neuroethik' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
May 2014: Workshop 'Bioethics/Personalized Medicine' as part of the annual retreat of the Graduate School Life Science Munich (University of Munich) (with Christian Dürnberger, M.A.) (Fraueninsel/Chiemsee, Germany)
SS 2014: Seminar 'Karls Jaspers' Philosophie und die Medizin' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
WS 2013/14: Seminar 'Fragen der Neuroethik' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
Seminar 'Nietzsche, Foucault und die Medizin' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich and Dr. Galia Assadi) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
Seminar 'Philosophische Ethik für Doktoranden der Medizin' (with Dr. Galia Assadi) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
SS 2012: Seminar 'Einführung in die Metaethik' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
Optional Seminar 'Einführung in die Medizinethik' (with Corinna Klingler) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
January 2013: Session 'Schmerz: Objektives Phänomen oder (soziale) Konstruktion' as part of the Free Seminar 'Disability Studies' (University of Munich, further information is available here)
WS 2012/13: Seminar 'Gerechtigkeit und Gesundheitssystem' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
Optional Seminar 'Einführung in die Medizinethik' (with Corinna Klingler) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
SS 2012: Seminar 'Drei gegenwärtige Positionen in der Diskussion des moralischen Realismus' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
Optional Seminar 'Einführung in die Medizinethik' (with Dr. Dr. Orsolya Friedrich) (University of Munich, further information is available here)
WS 2011/12: Optional Seminar 'Einführung in die Ethik für Mediziner' (University of Munich, further information is available here)
August 2011: Course 'Ethische Aspekte der personalisierten Medizin' as part of the summer school 'Nachhaltigkeit - Es bleibt nichts folgenlos' for holders of the Talent-im-Land-scholarship (funded by the Robert-Bosch-Stiftung) (Schloss Salem/Ueberlingen, Germany)
WS 2008/09: Proseminar: 'Wer bin ich - und wer soll ich sein? Aktuelle Fragen zum Verhältnis von Ethik und Anthropologie' (with Dr. des. Julia Dietrich and Michael Jungert, M.A.) (University of Tuebingen, further Information is available here)